Res s.r.l. is an E.S.Co Energy Service Company.
The E.S.Co. qualification is defined as “a company that offers energy services which may include implementing energy-efficiency projects (and also renewable energy projects) and in many case on a turn-key basis”.
The three main characteristics of an ESCO are:
ESCOs guarantee energy savings and/or provision of the same level of energy service at lower cost. A performance guarantee can take several forms. It can revolve around the actual flow of energy savings from a project, can stipulate that the energy savings will be sufficient to repay monthly debt service costs, or that the same level of energy service is provided for less money.
The remuneration of ESCOs is directly tied to the energy savings achieved;
ESCOs can finance, or assist in arranging financing for the operation of an energy system by providing a savings guarantee.
RES s.r.l. works according to the rules set by UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008.